About Us

Our Story

The Centre for Restoration is a non-profit organisation working to mitigate gender-based violence in Indian schools and colleges. It was founded by a student-alumni collective of Ashoka University and started as a team of first-respondents and representatives for a space that witnessed several successive #MeToo waves. Our team was quick to assess that existing approaches against this culture of sexual misconduct were primarily punitive, carried out after the fact and widely considered inaccessible.

Even as the student body was increasingly made aware about pervasive prevalence of sexual harassment on campus, what remained lacking was constructive discourse about living in a shared space, either as a survivor-victim or as an offender or both. We were yet to explore what it meant to create a safe space for all members of the student community. TCR then started becoming this safe space with resources to unpack what the process of healing looks like when the locus of hurt and healing has to be the same. TCR now operates beyond the campus of Ashoka, to keep asking how we as a community must hold ourselves accountable for our culture of sexual misconduct. We take away the massive burden of preventing sexual crime from the survivor-victim and invest offenders, subject matter experts and bystanders in securing their human right to security.

People holding a banner that reads community care for all who need it.
Our Vision
Making restorative practices mainstream to help students build secure communities so that no student campus in India arrives at the need to assemble a task force against sexual harassment again.
A group of young people sitting together and ideating on a mission.
Our Mission
To create empathetic student communities across India where trauma-informed, representative and affordable social support against gender-based violence of any kind is always available.