CSGS Summer Internship 2023

TCR worked with two summer interns as a part of the Center for Studies in Gender and Sexuality Summer Internship Programme, 2023. The internship was designed as an opportunity for students to hone their research and writing skills, and initiate a research project designed and supervised by TCR.
Our interns worked on the following:
Project 1: St. Stephen’s College’s Sexual Harassment Climate Survey
Developed a survey assessing the nature, scale, and types of campus sexual violence at St. Stephen’s College. The study is now live and collecting responses. Students from St. Stephen’s are encouraged to fill this survey.
Project 2: Studying the Implementation and Impact of UGC ICC Policy
Designed a systematic study to assess the implementation of UGC ICC policies across eight colleges of Delhi University and the corresponding levels of sexual violence. The study is ongoing. Students from Ramjas College, Hansraj College, Hindu College, Dyal Singh College, Daulat Ram College, Deshbandhu College, Kirori Mal College, and NSUT are encouraged to fill this questionnaire.