
The Survivors’ Circle (Women)

DATES: every Tuesday for 8 weeks starting 11th Jun, 2024. 

At the Centre for Restoration, our primary objective is to establish secure, compassionate, and transformative environments that empower survivor-victims of sexual harm and nurture a culture of respect and recovery. In partnership with trauma-informed therapists Naina Shahri and Ahla Matra, we are delighted to introduce a weekly support group called “The Survivors’ Circle.” This group offers trauma-informed and cost-effective psychosocial assistance to students who have experienced sexual harassment, creating a safe space for recovery and growth.

This Survivors’ Circle is open to anyone who identifies as a woman, is a student, is above 18 years of age, and is a survivor-victim of any form of sexual harm.

The sessions will be conducted in a private and secure online environment, ensuring confidentiality and accessibility for all participants. Each session will last approximately 60-75 minutes. 

Please click “Access” to register.