
TCR has created a repository of trauma-informed and queer-affirmative wellness organisations, vetted by our team. When searching for quality mental health and legal care, these can be a great option.

Our repositories of therapists and lawyers often include professionals who are a part of larger organisations. Unlike the freelancing professionals in the repositories, organisations may assign clients a therapist or a lawyer based on their availability and specialisation as opposed to letting clients choose the individual they will work with.

To ensure greater transparency, our repositories feature the profiles of several professionals from the organisation so you can make the right decision. We hope this helps you with your search for quality and affordable care.

TCR does not benefit monetarily from this venture. We are not notified when you book an appointment. Your privacy is respected throughout and after your journey.

If you have a minute, please leave feedback about this service. You may also use this space to indicate any impropriety of an organisation’s process. We value your safety and experience, above all else.
