
Finding quality mental health care should not be exhausting. Our team has created this repository of therapists after carefully considering answers to questions about their practice.

Each professional listed has worked with student survivor-victims of sexual misconduct and is either an ally or part of the LGBTQI+ community. We hope this helps you make an easier and informed decision while choosing your therapist.

That said, when it comes to trauma informed therapy, one size does not fit all. Beyond qualifications, the practitioners use a wide range of methods in their sessions. We urge you to directly write to them with any doubts you may have about their individual process.

You may use these samples to draft your inquiry.

TCR does not benefit monetarily from this venture. We are not notified when you book an appointment. Your privacy with your therapist is respected throughout and after your journey.

If you have a minute, please leave feedback about this service. You may also use this space to indicate any impropriety of a therapist’s process. We value your safety and experience, above all else.

Cost per session

