Work With Us


Call for Submissions (year-round)

The Centre for Restoration invites insightful contributions to encourage informed dialogue on relevant gender-justice issues. Academicians, professionals, students and policy enthusiasts are encouraged to submit their views on the following themes: Gender Based Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Laws and Policies against Sexual Misconduct, Mindfulness, Restorative Justice, Sexual Violence in Indian Schools and Universities, Sex Education, Understanding Trauma, and Queerness and LGBTQ+ Community.

Please note, TCR’s work focuses solely on student communities in India. We encourage you to centre this demographic in your writing.

Submission Guidelines:
  • Submissions may be made under the following categories:
    1. Articles (500-1000 words)
    2. Book Reviews (100-300 words)
    3. Creative Pieces
  • We only accept original and unpublished work for consideration. We do not accept submissions that have been previously published elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism above 10% is not tolerated. By submitting their work, the author(s) certify that their work is original.
  • Author(s) must ensure that their work does not infringe the rights of any third parties and if any copyrighted work is included, it is duly cited and credited.
  • Formatting Specifications
    1. Language: English (United Kingdom)
    2. Format: Word Document
    3. Font Style: EB Garamond
    4. Font Size: 12pt.
    5. Citations: APA 7th Ed. (end text)

Please email us your submissions with the subject, “Call for Submissions” or any queries at